Pond Inlet - worth the wait

Day 18. Pond Inlet SmartICE survey. Having waited at the PSCP fcilty for four days, on Friday we were able to get out and fly. Pond inlet is about 600 km from Resolute Bay, or just over two hours of flying at best speed. The goal was to fly the SAR at our normal 1000 m above the sea ice, and then fly a low survey with the snow radar and the lidar at 500m asl. The flight there was nothing short of spectacular. The flight took us along the Northwest Passage and then over the northern coast and northern tip of Baffin Island (Canada's largest island) - the Brodeur Peninsula, then over Arctic bay, before descending into Pond Inlet which is the channel between Baffin and Bylot Islands. This takes in some text-book high Arctic scenery which is absolutely stunning. Northern coastline of Brodeur Peninsula from over the NW Passage Northern coast of Brodeur Peninsula. The geological strata alon the slopes are a stunning feature of this landscape Northern edge of B...